Mr. Rui Alexandre, VP of Western Europe Region, has just made a wonderful deal with The Gaming Hub Co. Now WESCo has a headquarter in Western Europe, dedicated to those willing to have a nice place to discuss market and regulation, legislation and events about esports and digital sports in the region.
The Gaming Hub is the first innovation hub to be inaugurated by Lisbon City Council and Unicorn Factory Lisboa, as part of the city's strategy to create communities and hubs focused on innovation in high-growth areas. The Hub aims to foster the growth of the video games industry by promoting synergies between startups, investors and multinational companies, hosting new business acceleration and incubation programmes, and acting as a meeting point for the gaming community.
It is located at Av. da República 18, 1000-177 Lisbon, Portugal. The idea of this new hub is to encourage collaboration between startups, investors and multinational companies, acting as a catalyst for new business acceleration and incubation programs. In addition, it will serve as a vibrant meeting point for the gaming community residing in the city.